Thursday, January 1, 2009

Another year down...

I already did my 08 retrospective so I'll keep it short w just a Happy New Year!

Rob and I rang in the New Year at the new house w a roaring fire, Andy Cooper and Kathy Griffin on CNN and the notable LACK of the staccato of gunshots outside... WOOT!

Now I am a Kathy Griffin fan (thanks to D List's endless repeats on Bravo.) When it comes to comedians, Rob is a misogynist so he's predisposed to dislike KG... well he got a taste last year w KG and Andy, and as this was our 2nd celebration, he was starting to break down and perhaps not *hate* her :) -- well she has now forever endeared herself to him - with what will likely have her FIRED from doing anymore Andy CNN NYE celebrations...

Happy 2009!

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